ACAT supports the ongoing professional development of its certificants. The mandatory recertification process provides certificants with the opportunity to demonstrate the retention, reinforcement and expansion of their knowledge and skills pertaining to new advances as well as state of the art information over the full spectrum of finance, accounting, and taxation.
Recertification also provides encouragement to, and acknowledgement for, participation in ongoing professional development activities and continued learning. To support this purpose, the recertification requirements require continuing education and professional activities that enhance ongoing professional development, recognize learning opportunities, and provide a process for both attaining and recording professional development achievements
To ensure the proficiency of ACAT certified individuals, the Board requires that each certificant participate periodically in continuing professional education (CPE) to refresh existing knowledge and skills, and to acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to new advances as well as state of the art information over the full spectrum of finance, accounting, and taxation.
The 3-year time period established for recertification is based on both the scope of issues that face financial, accounting and taxation services professionals and the Board’s belief that new practices, research, and information are introduced in the field with enough frequency that professional development activities should be conducted routinely so that certificants remain current with best practices and emerging knowledge.
To maintain use of the ACAT credentials, certification must be renewed every three (3) years.
More information on CPE
The basic and most important principle for accreditation by ACAT is the commitment to an ongoing program of continuing professional education. Individuals holding an ACAT credential must earn CPE and report credits every three years. For detailed information regarding continuing education requirements, classes and proration click here.
The end of the next three-year CPE cycles (when CPE must be reported) are: June 30, 2017
Keep track of your CPE and download the ACAT Continuing Professional Education Diary.