How can I signup for the Capstone Program?
Learn about the
program then
fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you shortly.
Where can I get the Capstone Kit that outlines all the processes and procedures of the Capstone Program?
Download your
Capstone Kit here.
How much does the program cost?
It costs nothing to be a part of the Capstone Program, and the benefits are many. We will provide you with the book to teach the course and other helpful materials, such as the syllabus as well.
Are my students ready for an accounting credential rather than a bookkeeping one?
Challenge your students! Most likely they have everything they need to prepare for a professional career, not a clerical one. The difference will be the credentials they get. With the ABA Capstone program, ACAT provides all the materials you need as well as support as you work through the program. There are other instructors you can talk to about the Capstone program to get ideas and advise.
What is the instructional book for the Capstone Course?
The Capstone Course is taught from the Accredited Business Advisor/Accountant (ABA) Preparatory Course. The Preparatory Course is developed and sold by the National Society of Accountants and covers the topics presented in the ABA exam. Bulk discounts available.
Can Capstone Students sit for the ABA exam?
Candidates enrolled in an authorized Capstone program may register for the ACAT’s ABA examination in a paper and pencil format at a Capstone facility. Candidates must complete and submit the ACAT Registration Form (hardcopy or electronic) and the corresponding examination fee. A $50 registration fee is required to register for all examinations. Instructors of the Capstone program must submit hardcopy registration forms and the fees directly to ACAT for processing.
Can I get a desk copy of the ABA Preparatory Course?
Get your copy by contacting ACAT at
Where will they take the exam?
The ABA exam can be administered in the classroom by an authorized proctor. The teacher of the course will request the test for the students by submitting the Request to Test form, found in the Capstone Kit, and a class roster to Students will then need to register online to take the exam and pay the fee. Faculty and/or instructors (or anyone with a perceived conflict of interest) of a Capstone Program may not serve as proctors for the ABA examination.
How long is the exam?
The exam is in two parts (Practice 1 and Practice 2). Each Practice has 100 multiple choice questions with one choice being correct.
What does the exam cover?
The examination is based on a Job Practice Analysis that surveyed accountants and tax preparers on what tasks they did and how important to their practice those tasks were. There are five major topic areas: Accounting, Taxation, Ethics, Business Law and Business Accounting. These major topics are divided into subcategories. This is called the exam’s
How are the exam questions written?
The questions on the ABA exam have been written by some of the leading experts in the field of accounting and taxation. Questions are reviewed for internal structure and must be approved before they are placed in a test bank of all approved questions.
I’d like to talk to someone using the Capstone Program.
Great! Contact ACAT at and you’ll be given the name and numbers of several college instructors to contact.
My school is in Iowa (or Minnesota or Delaware), will my students qualify for second tier licensing?
Yes, the ABA exam is recognized in these three states for the purpose of second tier licensing. ACAT will submit the scores to the State Board of Accountancy if we receive a request to do so.