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Willie Miller


Choosing an essay topic

These are some of the tips from studydaddy that could help you choose a good topic; check them out

 - If you have a broad idea about the kind of topics that are good, you could think of reading about them, in order to come to a decision. For instance, you could look at the Global Warming issue as your broad area. You could look at a particular part of this, as your topic for a college essay. You could think of investigating into the allegations of some scientists that Global Warming is only a myth. This might sound new and a bit revolutionary; but it is certainly an interesting point of view.It would certainly make a good college essay topic.

 - Make sure you can collect as much info as possible on the topic that you choose. However, there is one point of caution here: do not fill your essay with info, just because you have taken the trouble to collect it. Not all the info might be relevant or required. If you want to make sure that the right info is put in, take the time to do a proper outline. This would surely help you out in your essay writing. Once you have this outline or draft, you can put in the info in the right place.

 Over a period of time, you will get the hang of separating the chaff from the wheat. In other words, you will be able to develop the discernment to know a good writing service from a mediocre one. It is important to get the right kind of essay help and tips from professionals in the field. Whether it is a college essay topic or a research paper idea, we can help you with it. Get in touch with us as soon as possible and you will be happy with your grades in college or university.


Essays of Elia

About Charles Lamb
Since Charles Lamb’s Essays of Elia has become so famous, it would be interesting and relevant to know more about this great writer. Born in 1775 in London, UK, he is considered to be one of the stalwarts of English literary essay writing. His work appealed to most readers because it was so close to real life and did not at any point sound preachy or presumptuous. This was a great attribute at that time because; there were other writers who were not so sensitive. Though he wanted to be a good poet, he is better known for the essays that he wrote. He was an ardent fan of Shakespeare and believed that in order to understand and appreciate the works of the great Bard, it was better to read it, rather than have it performed in theatres.

Comparative studies
Another way of appreciating the literary value of Charles Lambs Essays of Elia is to try and compare it to the work of other great essayists like Hazlitt, for example. In case you attempt a comparative study, it would be necessary for you to go through the works of both these greats before making any kind of comparison or contrast. This is certainly not an easy task; so undertake it only if you have some help coming your way.


How writing services can help
Their points are sure to make you sit up and wonder why you have not got in touch with us till now, for your earlier writing projects.

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