Request for Review of Possible Ethical Issue or Aggrieved Behavior to or from an NSA Member
In the event a person believes an NSA member may have committed an infraction of NSA’s Code of Ethics or where an NSA member has possibly aggrieved another person, this procedure outlines the steps to be taken to analyze and bring resolution to the situation.
The person who has issue:
- Describes in writing the situation, either by hard copy or electronic format,
- Addressed to the following:
- NSA President
- NSA Executive Vice President
- NSA Chair of Ethics/Grievance Committee
- Unless the NSA President or NSA Executive Vice President is the subject of the issue, then that person is omitted from directly receiving the complaint initially.
- Following the existing regulations set forth in Article VI and VII of the NSA Bylaws the Ethics/Grievance Committee will review the matter in confidence. The scope of the matter will drive how the committee proceeds: some issues may need only to bring clarity and explanation to the complainant, while other issues may necessitate a detailed, formal approach. The Committee may refer the issue back to the complainant if it does not rise to a breach of professional ethical standards.
- After its investigation the Ethics/Grievance Committee will make a formal recommendation to the NSA Board of Governors for their action. Their decision is final.
Mailing address:
National Society of Accountants
1330 Braddock Place, Suite 540
Alexandria, VA 22314