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IRS Alerts NSA of Response to CCH E-Filing Outage


September 24, 2020
Jessica L. Jeane
Director of Public Policy and Communications

The IRS on September 24, 2020, sent the National Society of Accountants (NSA) a direct update containing its internal response to the CCH Axcess electronic filing outage on September 15, 2020. The IRS, in the attached Memorandum for Services and Enforcement Employees, states that it will treat as timely filed a return and any elections that were filed with that return that were impacted by the tax software outage if the taxpayer successfully e-filed the return and any elections that were filed with that return by September 17, 2020.


    The core mission of the National Society of Accountants is to help tax and accounting professionals become more successful.

NSA presents this information in the interest of its members for information purposes only and is not intended to provide, nor should it be relied upon, as legal, tax, or accounting advice.

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