
Preparer Fees in the Tax Season Home Stretch


April 15 is just over a week away and many tax preparers have fees in place for clients who bring their documents in at the last minute. Bloomberg recently published the article “Procrastinating On Your Taxes? Your Accountant May Fine You,” which quoted NSA President Marilyn Niwao.

Of course, procrastinators aren’t the only clients who might see extra fees. Some preparers charge for disorganized paperwork or the expedition of a return. If you are wondering how your fees compare to other professionals in your area, find out with the NSA Tax Preparation Fee Calculator.

Want more information?

The National Society of Accountants Income & Fees of Accountants in Public Practice Survey provides detailed fee, operating, benefit, and compensation information for tax preparation and accounting firms broken out by state, region and practice size. Read the survey highlights here.

The following infographic was created with key findings and highlights from the 2014-2015 Income and Fees Survey. If you are an NSA member, you have access to the full fees survey, full online calculator, more infographics, and other fees tools here.

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