Accredited Tax Preparer


Accredited Tax Preparer


The Accredited Tax Preparper (ATP) covers two essential domains critical to tax professionals: Personal Income Taxation and Ethics and Procedures. In the Personal Income Taxation domain, learners will delve into a comprehensive understanding of taxable entities, income reporting, adjustments, deductions, tax credits, and additional taxes. This domain equips candidates with the ability to navigate the complexities of determining taxable income and tax liability accurately. The Ethics and Procedures domain focuses on ethical guidelines and best practices for tax professionals, ensuring csndidates are well-versed in their responsibilities and conduct within the taxation profession. 

Be sure to check out the ATP Info links!

ü No Prerequisites to take the exam or hold the credential
ü Earned by passing a 100 question exam
ü Stand out from the crowd

Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP)

ATP credential holders for the IRS’s Annual Filing Season Program Record of Completion without taking the Annual Refresh Course and Annual Exam.
More about the AFSP

Taking the ATP Exam
Candidates are given 3 hours to complete 100 multiple choice questions. Exams are administered via computer based exam at Meazure Testing Centers within the US or vis Live Remote Proctoring (LRP). Before opting to take the exam through LOP please carefully read the hardware/software requirements document Linked here.  

ACAT's testing partner, Meazure offers close to 1,000 proctored testing locations. Of the top 100 U.S. cities by population, 99% of candidates are within 15 miles of a testing center. 

Locate your testing city here

To view a demonstration of the online test delivery system, please view this free sample test. Please note: The content of the sample examination does not include content from the actual examination.

Exam Candidates are encouraged to review the exam outline.


The ATP Prep Course
The ATP Prep Course is written by leading CPAs, EAs, tax law, and ethics experts and published by the National Society of Accountants (NSA). This course covers 1040 individual taxation and ethics. Each chapter includes reference materials and review questions with answers and explanations.

Exam Candidates are encouraged to review the exam outline to identify any areas where they may need to seek additional knowldge.

Course Sample


Experience Requirements

ACAT seeks to ensure that all accredited individ­uals possess theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge necessary to be successful practitioners.
Candidates for the ATP must be at least 18 years of age. There are no educational requirements to sit for the exam or to
 hold the ATP credential.