MSATP Corporate Maintenance

When:  Oct 3, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)
The seminar will address the two general obligations a corporation must perform on a regular and ongoing basis to comply with applicable laws. These two general obligations are: (1) the preparation of certain documents relating to business decisions (including what if often called “annual minutes” and “corporate resolutions”); and (2) the filing of relevant government forms and reports in a timely fashion keeping the corporation’s information up-to-date on the government registry.
The combination of these two obligations is what lawyers and accountants typically refer to when they speak about “corporate maintenance” and “maintaining your corporation”. Good corporate maintenance results from the prompt preparation of proper documentation kept with the records of the corporation, as well as the filing of the government forms and notices keeping the relevant information up to date on government registries. Failure to respect these obligations may lead to government fines and even the dissolution (closing) of a corporation.


Howard County Business Training Center
Columbia, MD